Embrace His Redeeming Grace

My child, I am not ashamed of you. When I look at you, I don't see your sins, for My blood has cleansed you. When you draw near to Me, I do not deny you, for I am your Shepherd and I call you unto Me. I have paid much too great a price for you to live in misery and shame. I went to the ultimate extreme to see you free. Embrace My love for you, and proclaim that you are wholly Mine. None can separate you from My love. My love finished the work, My love destroyed the barrier, and My love continually intercedes on your behalf. I purchased you! I redeemed you! I defend you! I am for you! Receive My redemptive work. When you live in constant assurance of who you are in Me, nothing could ever touch the joy that radiates from you. An overflowing abundance of gladness and gratitude flows from your heart and floods your life. Embrace My grace, child!

   -The Introverted Evangelist


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