Jesus Our Risen King

Jesus Our Risen King:

"Jesus said to her, I am [Myself] the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on) Me, although he may die, yet he shall live; And whoever continues to live and believes in (has faith in, cleaves to, and relies on) Me shall never [actually] die at all. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26 AMP)

We're free because Jesus lives! We serve a living, breathing, personal Lord. He conquered the grave, and now it's His life within those who receive and believe that gives us the strength and courage to truly live. We're called to lead by example in this glorious freedom. Drop your chains! Pick up your cross with joy! Knowing that it's when we lay down our lives that we truly find the reason to live with no fear, no resentment, and no shame. Jesus. Jesus is the reason. He is the Resurrection. He calls our cold dead hearts back to life again - beating passionately for God's purposes. He is the Life - abundant, unhindered life of overflowing blessings and peace. Let's cling to Him this day. O sing praise to the Lord Jesus Christ! He has given us all we need, all we could ever desire, and more - and it's all found in Him. Hallelujah! Praise Jesus, our risen King!

Happy Easter Sunday to you all! I like to call this day Resurrection Sunday as well as Salvation Sunday. There's so much to celebrate this beautiful Sunday morning! May you be lead out in peace and praising this day.

-The Introverted Evangelist


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