Live Wisely Live Fearlessly

Live Wisely Live Fearlessly:

"Pray that I will proclaim this message clearly and fearlessly as I should. Be wise when you engage with those outside the faith community; make the most of every moment and every encounter." (Colossians 4:4-5)

Set sail! Let the refreshing breeze of God's love whisk away every trace of fear. Surrender your ship, and allow your vessel to be wholly His. Let Him splash His grace-rich glory all over you. Don't drop an anxious anchor and stand still, too afraid to live courageously. You're not ruled by those fears any longer! His love has cleared away those tyrannical forces and given you a new name - calledfreechosenhealedstrong, and cherished.

So what are we so scared of? What can anything in this life take away from us? Hasn't He promised? Won't He stay true to His Word? Everything we'll ever need and all the dreams planted deep inside our hearts? Secured. All is safe in the hands of the Lord.

His goodness never fails, and His faithfulness never expires. Forever. He is the God of forever. So how do we represent this fantastic gift? How do we make sure we don't go Home alone? Forsake the lifestyle of fear, and pursue the freedom of faith!

Live so joyfully unafraid, that when others look at you, they can't help but smile and want to know the "secret" to your uncontainable joy. Don't let worry paralyze you, but rather, surrender control to the God who makes you whole. He works all things for good, and His timing is always impeccable. He has a plan. Will you trust Him?

Won't you take a leap of faith with me? Let's live wisely by living worry-free. Let's take every opportunity we're given to shine with freedomradiate His love, and spread His Light.

-The Introverted Evangelist

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