
Live Wisely Live Fearlessly

Live Wisely Live Fearlessly : " Pray that I will proclaim this message clearly and fearlessly as I should. Be wise when you engage with those outside the faith community; make the most of every moment and every encounter. " ( Colossians 4:4-5) Set sail ! Let the refreshing breeze of God's love whisk away every trace of fear. Surrender your ship, and allow your vessel to be wholly His. Let Him splash His grace-rich glory all over you.  Don't drop an anxious anchor and stand still , too afraid to live courageously.  You're not ruled by those fears any longer ! His love has cleared away those tyrannical forces and given you a new name -  called ,  free ,  chosen ,  healed ,  strong , and  cherished . So what are we so scared of?  What can anything in this life take away from us ? Hasn't He promised? Won't He stay true to His Word? Everything we'll ever need and all the dreams planted deep inside our hearts?  Secured . All is safe in the han...

Grace Amazing Grace Unending

Grace Amazing Grace Unending : " ...then He will have mercy on you and bring you back from captivity. He’ll gather you from all the peoples you’ve been scattered among. " ( Deuteronomy 30:3) God never forsakes His faithful promises. He made a covenant with Abraham, and promised to be faithful for ALL generations. Because we are descendants of Abraham (we are the people of God), God will always accept our repentance and our turning back to Him - our dedicating of everything we are to Him - heart, mind, soul, and body. He is a gracious and forgiving God, and because Jesus ransomed us, we are now forgiven and cleansed for all eternity. His grace poured out on the Cross will never lessen - never stop flowing into the depths of our desperation. Grace so amazing, we're covered and redeemed. Nothing can take us away. Not even death has his say. Grace will last 'till the Final Day. -The Introverted Evangelist Photography Source:

Surrender the Adventure

Surrender the Adventure: The week looms mysteriously before me. Adventure awaits, and fear takes his place. The thief wants desperately to take the joy of what's ahead, but God, I know You're there. You're in my future, my past, my here and now. There's nothing I can't do when I go with You. There's not one fear too big that Your love and gracious mercy can't sweep away. So as the week comes, let Your love lead. As my future unfolds, let me live it boldly with fearless faith in Your goodness. Let the winds blow through my hair, the water rush over my toes, and the light glimmer on my face. I know Your Presence is shining upon me. I know You're here with me now, and You're not leaving. So let the week and all its uncharted adventure arrive, for I know You're my strong and generous Guide. I know I will more than survive. I will live and I will thrive. I glow with Your glory and Your grace, for this heart and this soul always seek Your face. I'm...


#JoyfulJune : Goodbye May, hello June! What a marvellous month you've been, but I'm ready for the new to begin. May has been a month best described as the first few miles of a marathon. Starting a new adventure. It's scary at first, but the key is to make sure you don't deviate your focus. Christ within, Heaven ahead, there joy abounds. May was the start of a brand new life for me. The entire month resonated with the sound of chains *smack* crashing down to the ground. Oh what a beautiful sound... He cut those chains off me, and now I'm free. I'm free from everything that once paralyzed me with fear, and it's all because my gracious Saviour heard my cry. He came and He rescued me. When my life had hit a DEAD END, God had a better plan. His BEST plan.  --> Redemption. Renewal. Restoration. <--  There's nothing He can't do. This new life exists to exalt Him. This healed heart beats to bring Him honour. These whole lungs breath to shout His praise...

Losing a Best Friend

Losing a Best Friend : " Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all. " (2 Thessalonians 3:16) Two years ago this day, I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends. May 31, 2013 Heaven gained the most loyal, loving, and gentle canine. I grew up with Guinness, and didn't know what life would be like without my soft, cuddly best friend. Prayer and puppy loving could fix even the toughest of days. Guinness was an angel of a dog, sent straight from God's heart. Everyone who ever met him will agree, he is unforgettable. Guinness will be in our hearts forever. I'm eternally grateful to have lived so many years of my life with him. I am also grateful we opened our hearts again to expand our family and welcome a new member, Klaus. Klaus, our second schnauzer, was adopted on January 1, 2014. It's so nice to have furry friends who we can hold dear to our hearts. How generous and kind is our God, th...

The Light In My Heart

The Light In My Heart : " But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted ." (1 Peter 2:9-10 MSG) Darkness and despair surrounded me everywhere, but then came grace, my life to spare. He came in like a flood, cleansed me with His blood. He gave me His promise, that I'll never be lifeless. He breathed in my heart, gave me a new start. Now this life, free from strife, forever changed and rearranged, shall always praise His great Name. In His Light I remain, His promises I claim, and shameful sin is slain. A heart this full can't help but extol. My joy overflows, and my spirit glows.  Oh Heavenly Father, thank You for shining in my darkness, and giving me a fresh start again. -The Introverted Evangelist

I Found My Life When I Laid it Down

I Found My Life When I Laid it Down : " So  let God work his will in you . Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious.  Get down on your knees before the Master ; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet ." (James 4:7-10 MSG) Life is tough, and oftentimes we find ourselves in the midst of certain circumstances that are unbearably trying. When times get so hard and hurtful, we tend to question or even doubt God's love and faithfulness. If this is you today, allow me to encourage you -  God has a supreme and sovereign plan for your good and His glory ! ( See Romans  8:28 ). He takes each chapter of our lives, every single little detail, and He binds it all together into the most beautiful book. Every season of our lives has purpose and meaning....