Look to Jesus

Look to Jesus:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

In an ever-changing world, fix your eyes on the unchanging Lord. In the middle of your panic, pursue the Prince of Peace. When all hope seems fading fast, seek the One who fails not. When fear is crippling, cling to the Love that casts out every doubt. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

My heart may be failing, the battle still raging, but my God is fighting for me. I fix my eyes on what I know is true, His promises will not disintegrate. He is faithful, and therefore I will obey and trust. He is loyal, so I will press on... Looking to Jesus. Trusting His personal promises and unfailing faithfulness.

Jesus, I run to You... Jesus I trust in You. I don't deserve these gracious gifts, but I trust that You're working all things for good. Your glory will prevail, and I will come forth victorious in You. I trust You're taking care of all the details. Amen.

-The Introverted Evangelist


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