You Are My Hiding Place

You Are My Hiding Place:

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psalms 91:1)

I love the Lord my God. He has revealed to me so much. I love to dwell in His secret solitude each morning and each night. All throughout the night, the soothing and nourishing lulls of worship penetrates my entire being. As my body's battery recharges, my spirit comes alive.

I say to my God, "In my resting, Lord, awaken my soul. May new life be brought forth in this desert soul. Water the ground with Your holy grace, and tend to the easily unnoticed weeds that spur from an unyielding flesh. So Lord I shall place my flesh into submission. I only want to become more like You. No one and no thing else can hold my heart. I consecrate my heart to You, Father. Though things and people may be held in importance, compassion, and care, I know that when such things are surrendered to You, that Your hands are far more capable of protecting and preserving. Thank You for always hearing my cries."

The Lord never grows agitated by my uncertainty, nor does He ever consider my calls upon His name to be follies birthed out of stupidity. God understands that we've been subjected to the futility of the flesh, but that's okay, because He has shown compassion on our fallen condition and provided for our purification and propitiation.

"so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." (Hebrews 9:28)

Sacrificed to take away my unrighteousness, and still yet to return to take away my bitter sorrows. My soul tugs hard as Holy Spirit roots dig deeper in my heart. The more of Him He plants in me, the more I long to be with Him. I begin to receive small tastes of His grandeur. This soul stretches outward, seeking more of the Saviour.

I want to experience, encamp, and encounter. I want to experience the uncontrollable hunger for the Lord, when my entirety cannot stop desiring. I want to encamp in His courts. In the precious place of His Presence I wish to perch, for no other place is more perfect.

Lastly, I long to encounter. I ache for companionship with my Father, so I wait. I wait in eager expectation that He will take notice of my wide open heart which burns for His divine Lordship. I wait, knowing that He shan't pass me by or degrade my youth. Rather, He'll bless my hungering soul with humbling wisdom and Holy Spirit gifts. So I wait on Him.

"But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

In the night, when the music flows over, around, and through me, I can feel my soul singing. My soul will sing these revelations, "Oh how awesome and majestic You are my Lord. You are so holy, so faithful, so gracious, and pure. In You I have found all I need and desire. There are depths of Your mystery I have yet to discover, and heights of Your glory I've yet to observe. Oh how You bless me! Oh tie this wandering one to Your side my Father. I never wish to leave again. I delight in knowing that the inscrutability of tomorrow is secured in Your hands."

"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me. The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me— A prayer to the God of my life." (Psalms 42:7-8)

Your song is with me in the shadowed hours of the night, and Your great faithfulness follows me throughout the day. Oh Lord my thankful heart nearly bursts with joy.

I humbly approach, and then fall to my knees. What grace and what mercy, O God, that You would so generously lavish upon me! One-hundred thousand thanks cannot express my wonder and gratitude.

Today I'll step back, and simply wonder. In awe of the marvellous gifts You give, all I can do is give this life back to You. I live for You, and I live in You. I love Your Presence, O God. I love to cover myself in Your wings, and today I deliberately choose to do just that. This day and every day, may I never grow tired of Your unfathomable goodness, grace, and glory.

-The Introverted Evangelist


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