
Showing posts with the label 2112co_freeforall

Surrender the Adventure

Surrender the Adventure: The week looms mysteriously before me. Adventure awaits, and fear takes his place. The thief wants desperately to take the joy of what's ahead, but God, I know You're there. You're in my future, my past, my here and now. There's nothing I can't do when I go with You. There's not one fear too big that Your love and gracious mercy can't sweep away. So as the week comes, let Your love lead. As my future unfolds, let me live it boldly with fearless faith in Your goodness. Let the winds blow through my hair, the water rush over my toes, and the light glimmer on my face. I know Your Presence is shining upon me. I know You're here with me now, and You're not leaving. So let the week and all its uncharted adventure arrive, for I know You're my strong and generous Guide. I know I will more than survive. I will live and I will thrive. I glow with Your glory and Your grace, for this heart and this soul always seek Your face. I'm...

Rise Up and Pray

Rise Up and Pray : " At last he stood up again and returned to the disciples, only to find them asleep, exhausted from grief. “Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation.” " (Luke 22:45-46) Don't give in to all the grief . Rise up and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit! Don't become so worn and weary from the battles surrounding you that you throw in the towel and call it quits. Instead,  call on God ! Pray relentlessly because He's not left your side. His ear is still tuned to your cry.  He's not going to stop fighting for you . Be still, call upon His Name, then you will receive peace, joy, and a renewed hope once again. This battle may not be over yet, but I can assure you:  the victory is already won and we are triumphant ! -The Introverted Evangelist Photograph Taken By: Julian Brezden  #2112co_freeforall