
Showing posts with the label God is in Control

Fight For Rest, God is Sovereign

Fight For Rest, God is Sovereign : Always and forever. I'm fighting for rest. It's time to see God's faithfulness come to pass in my life. The thing is... I must allow Him to burn brighter than my doubts and fears .   I must let His goodness consume my anxieties . I can't give God glory for things I try to control myself . Don't I see it? His control is even better than mine! If I'll  relinquish my worries by worshipping , I'll be overcome by His marvellous Presence and His miraculous majesty will become unmistakable. ~ God, You're the One in control. You hold the  ultimate Authority  above everything - EVERYTHING - else. Help me to trust with my entire heart.  You've given me the promise of Your unwavering love and faithfulness. Your whispers are more certain than embossed lies. I can hold tightly to Your hand and step into the unknown territory, because I know  You won't ever forsake me in my weakness . You are gentle, caring, and compassionate...