
Showing posts with the label Healer

Look to Jesus

Look to Jesus : " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever ." (Hebrews 13:8) In an ever-changing world, fix your eyes on the  unchanging Lord . In the middle of your panic, pursue the  Prince of Peace . When all hope seems fading fast, seek the One who fails not. When fear is crippling, cling to the  Love that casts out every doubt . Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... My heart may be failing, the battle still raging, but  my God is fighting for me . I fix my eyes on what I know is true,  His promises will not disintegrate . He is faithful, and therefore I will obey and trust.  He is loyal , so I will press on... Looking to Jesus. Trusting His  personal promises  and  unfailing faithfulness . Jesus, I run to You... Jesus I trust in You. I don't deserve these gracious gifts, but I trust that You're working all things for good. Your glory will prevail, and I will come forth victorious in You. I trust You're taking care of all the details. Amen...