
Showing posts with the label New


#JoyfulJune : Goodbye May, hello June! What a marvellous month you've been, but I'm ready for the new to begin. May has been a month best described as the first few miles of a marathon. Starting a new adventure. It's scary at first, but the key is to make sure you don't deviate your focus. Christ within, Heaven ahead, there joy abounds. May was the start of a brand new life for me. The entire month resonated with the sound of chains *smack* crashing down to the ground. Oh what a beautiful sound... He cut those chains off me, and now I'm free. I'm free from everything that once paralyzed me with fear, and it's all because my gracious Saviour heard my cry. He came and He rescued me. When my life had hit a DEAD END, God had a better plan. His BEST plan.  --> Redemption. Renewal. Restoration. <--  There's nothing He can't do. This new life exists to exalt Him. This healed heart beats to bring Him honour. These whole lungs breath to shout His praise...

Take Heart

Take Heart : " And behold, some people brought to him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” " (Matthew 9:2) Take heart.  Don't let your past paralyze you . Don't listen to the lies that say your mistakes are who you are. Remember that the Blood of Jesus has made you new ( see 2 Corinthians  5:17 ).  His atoning sacrifice cleanses us  from all unrighteousness. We don't have to live the way we used to. The grace of our generous Lord gives us  inner strength  to break old habits and create a life of newness, rooted and founded in Christ Jesus. His Holy Spirit comes and floods us.  His Presence washes over us like the waves of the ocean's tide ... Washing away the shame of our old self, and  replenishing our strength with His mercy . Take heart, He is for us. Take heart, we are new creations. Take heart, for  He is good and worthy of our trust and prais...

All Things New

All Things New: "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4) New life. Our Lord has promised new life in Christ. What a promise to be given by the One who cannot lie. Transforming from glory to glory - we shall never die. In Christ alone, we forever abide. The past is a hurtful memory, but to You, Lord, we release it. We can't keep hold of the ties to our former life, or we live in continual, laborious strife. We accept that what was has come and has gone. We may not know why it happened, but we know that You have perfect purpose for our pain. So we turn to You, expectant for what's next. We know that in You, it's always the best. "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." (Isaiah 42:9) We place our aches and regrets at the feet of...